Crime prevention professionals often talk about locking car
doors and not having anything in view when you park your car. A car prowler can
take your purse in a second, even if you go into a convenience store or day
care for just a moment. The car prowler and ID thief that the North Snohomish
County Property Crimes Unit is looking for is a prime example of how this crime

The property crimes unit is looking for Shauntel Raymur who
targets women with kids. She will wait until the woman leaves the car and then
break into it to take the woman’s purse. Then, she will go to the nearest
grocery or convenience store and purchase gas, fast food, and cake. Yes, she
apparently likes cake, because detectives have seen video of her purchasing
cake and cake mix. Detectives call her the “Birthday Cake Bandit.”
Raymur is 5 foot 4 inches tall and weighs 200 pounds. She
has brown or blonde hair. She drives a dark blue GMC Yukon SUV with license
plate number AGG9261.
If you know where North Snohomish County Property Crimes
Unit detectives can find her call:
Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS.
Crime Prevention note- So the thing to do to avoid being
victimized be the “Birthday Cake Bandit” or any other car prowler is to take
your purse or wallet with you, not leaving anything showing in your car and
lock your car when you leave it. No matter how short of a time that you think
you will be away!
For more on this case, go to Washington’s Most Wanted:
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