Wednesday, October 31, 2018


Protecting cars, trucks, motorcycles, and bicycles from theft is important to modern every day life. Cars and trucks have locks built in that when used, discourages most car thieves. To protect a motorcycle or bicycle riders might use a heavy chain or a U lock.

The idea is to make it difficult to steal your transportation. Thicker chains or U locks, or locks with harder materials make it more difficult to cut and then steal the bike. Thieves do not want to take too much time when they steal, the more time they are at a crime scene, the more likely someone will see them, and they may be caught.

But locks, even the strongest locks, can be cut. A small company in the San Francisco area thinks it has a novel solution. It notes that in the United States three bicycles are stolen every minute. And less than 3% of stolen bicycles are recovered. The company has developed a unique feature in a U lock that gives a surprise to a potential bike thief.

Called Skunklock, their uniquely colored black and white lock emits a noxious chemical compound that can induce the thief to vomit when a thief cuts the lock. The compound can also ruin the thief’s clothes and the company claims that the compound can even penetrate high-end gas masks.

A lock with an alarm draws attention to the thief but the thief can run away or may even ignore the alarm and take your bike anyway. A lock that sends you a text message when your bike is stolen lets you know that it is stolen but may not help you recover your bike.

The chemical solution is intended to stop the thief and slow him down enough that a bystander might be able to call police and have police show up at the scene. Failing that, the thief will probably walk (or stumble) away and know to stay away from bikes with the U locks that are black and white in color.

Skunklocks can be used on bicycles and motorcycles.

The manufacturer points out that even a Skunklock is ineffective if you do not utilize it properly. Among the locking tips that the company recommends are:

·         Lock your bike in a well-lit, high foot traffic area. That way, a thief can be more easily observed, and if the Skunklock deploys its chemical then someone can call the cops.

·         Make sure you lock your bike to something solid.

If you are interested in this lock with its unique approach, you can only purchase it directly from Skunklock.  The company says that it is not currently selling through retail outlets. When you order a Skunklock it is made to order and tested, a 6-week process. The regular price is $159.99, but they are running a special until the end of the year with a price of $119.


Friday, October 19, 2018

SCAMS- BBB Warns of Scammers Taking Advantage of Mid-Term Elections

The Better Business Bureau (BBB) has issued a warning that scammers likely will be taking advantage of the upcoming elections by pretending to be pollsters, campaign volunteers, fundraisers, and even candidates. Scammers take advantage of anything in the news, a disaster, major crime, or other event that they think can fool the public in giving over their money and identity information.

The BBB expect scammers to take advantage of the elections in one of three ways:

·         Fundraising- They may claim that they are raising funds for a political candidate or a specific cause. People receiving this type of phone call report that callers are pushy and demand immediate action.

·         Polling- Many legitimate pollsters make phone calls to ask questions of citizens. Scammer pollsters may offer a prize for taking your time. After a series of legitimate sounding questions, the scammer may ask for your credit card number to pay for “shipping and taxes” for your prize. Legitimate survey companies do not offer prizes or gifts and do not ask for the credit card number.

·         Impersonation- Scammers may use recordings of real political candidates to ask for a “special contribution.” Digital recordings can be doctored to sound like anyone and can be put together to give any message. Legitimate political candidates often use recordings to deliver their campaign messages over the phone which makes it difficult to determine which call is real or fake.

The BBB suggests the following actions to avoid political scams,

·         Donate directly to a political campaign office.

·         Watch for spoofed calls.

·         Beware of prize offers.

·         Do not give out personal or banking information.

·         Research fundraising organizations before donating.

Better Business Bureau:

Thursday, October 18, 2018

BULLYING/CYBERBULLYING- Growing Awareness About a School Age Problem

Bullying and cyberbullying have become concerns for many parents in the 21st century.

Bullying is unwanted aggressive behavior between school aged children that involves a real or perceived imbalance of power and is repeated over time or is potentially repeated. Cyberbullying is bullying that takes place over digital devices such as cell phones, computers, and tablets.

Between 1 in 4 and 1 in 3 U.S. students say they have been bullied school. 28% of U.S. students in grades 6-12 experience bullying. 9% of students in grades 6-12 experienced cyberbullying. While there is growing awareness about bullying, there are some studies that suggest the rates of bullying may be declining. Bullying and cyberbullying remain a serious problem in schools.

Most bullying occurs in middle school. Bullying can take place on school grounds, on school buses, and wherever kids gather in the community.

Bullying is a complex problem that continues to be studied for effective methods of prevention and recovery from bullying incidents. For more information about bullying and cyberbullying, checkout the following links.

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services:

Federal Trade Commission:

Washington State Anti-Bullying Laws and Policies:

State of Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction:

Snohomish County Resources:

Monday, October 15, 2018

CREDIT FREEZE- New Federal Law Make Credit Freezes Free

You may have heard about the new federal law that took effect on September 21st making placing and lifting credit freezes free nationwide. Credit freezes have received publicity in recent years because they help deter identity theft and with the rise in incidents of identity theft, credit freezes have become an important prevention tool.

A credit freeze restricts access to your credit file from outsiders. If an identity thief has access to your credit information, it can allow him/her to open credit card accounts or take out loans in your name. A credit freeze also restricts your access to your credit information.

The new federal law has several benefits. The most publicized benefit is that freezing and un-freezing your credit now is free. Before the federal law, some states allowed credit bureaus to charge a modest fee each time you froze your credit report and each time you lifted the freeze on your credit report.

Another benefit is that the new law sets standards for timeliness for freezing and un-freezing credit. If you contact the credit bureaus online or by phone, the bureaus need to have your freeze in place no later than the next business day. And they must lift a freeze within an hour.

You can also freeze your child’s credit for free under the new law. Federal and state officials are encouraging parents to take advantage of this capability. Identity thieves frequently sign up for credit cards, loans, and other credit instruments in the name of children because children have no credit history and therefore are easy victims.

Finally, given appropriate documentation you can freeze the credit of someone under guardianship or for a person for whom you hold a valid power of attorney for free.

The following links have instructions and links and phone numbers for each of the three credit bureaus. You will need to set up a credit freeze with each of the credit bureaus separately.

AARP Fraud Watch Network:

Federal Trade Commission:

Better Business Bureau:

Friday, October 5, 2018

IRS SCAM- An Update

Scammers are constantly changing how they operate. Governmental agencies such as the IRS and Federal Trade Commission (FTC) as well as private organizations such as AARP are educating the public on how scammers work. Scammers must adjust as more of the population learns how they work.

In a recent podcast, the AARP Fraud Watch Network reveal how an IRS scam ring that was busted in India in 2016 operated.

·         The operation involved about 1,000 people in two floors of a building. This is unusual for most boiler room operations.

·         The IRS scam ring robo-dialed 100,000 Americans a day and received 10,000 to 15,000 call back a day.

·         90% of the victims who fell for the IRS scam lived alone.

·         After the raid, IRS scam calls dropped by 95% according to the Better Business Bureau.

The fact that so many victims lived alone highlights how scammers can succeed. Someone who is isolated do not have the opportunity to check with a family member or friend if the scammer’s call is even reasonable. This situation emphasizes the need for everyone to pass this information on, especially to family or friends who might be isolated.

The raid was very successful in reducing the number IRS scam calls, Also, the word has gotten around about the scam in the press and social media. But there are still fraudsters who are trying to use the IRS scam. AARP says that IRS scammers have changed their technique by sending out letters. The letter looks just like it came from the IRS. It will have a reference number in the upper right-hand corner. It will claim that you owe back taxes and that you need to contact your local IRS office. It will name an agent that you should call and give you a number where you can contact him/her. If you call the number, when you are connected to the person named in the letter, they will try to pressure you by scaring you with arrest and demand immediate payment with a wire transfer or a gift card.

The letter tries to add legitimacy to the scam. The key to protecting yourself is to verify the information in the letter independently from anything stated in the letter. Instead of calling the phone number in the letter, do a Google search for your local IRS phone number or the national IRS phone number, then call it and ask if they have an agent on staff named in the letter.

AARP Fraud Watch Network, The Perfect Scam Podcast:

CBS News:

Tuesday, October 2, 2018


The Snohomish County Sheriff’s Office along with other agencies in Snohomish County are finding new ways to help people who have gone through the county’s criminal justice system get treatment for their addictions. This issue of the Sheriff’s Office’s crime prevention newsletter, “Partners in Crime Prevention,” talks about the new Diversion Center, how the jail handles addicted inmates, and how you can get help and more information about the heroin/opioid epidemic in Snohomish County.

Snohomish County Sheriff’s Office: