Tuesday, October 17, 2017

VACATION- Practical Things to Do to Protect Yourself

OK, this is not the traditional vacation season, but an article in The Seattle Times by travel guru Rick Steves caught my attention and I thought I would pass it on.

Apparently, Rick Steves was a victim of a pickpocket this summer in Paris. While he preaches using a money belt to protect cash, credit cards and other important documents, he apparently went out without his money belt. This just shows that any of us can be a victim of crime.

While on vacation we do not want to think about crime, there are a few basic things that we can do to protect ourselves and still enjoy our time in new and interesting places. Here are a few things that Rick Steves recommends,

·     Be prepared by making copies of important documents and backing up and password protecting your mobile devices.

·         Leave behind your most valuable possessions, tucked away out of sight in your room, when you are out on the street. For that matter, don’t take your most expensive and flashy jewelry with you on your trip. Leave it protected in your safe at home.

·         Harden your targets by keeping your day bags close to you, looping their straps around your arm or chair leg when you are sitting down and secure your bag with a cable tie, paper clip or key ring.

·         Stay away from crowds. This is where pick pockets can divert your attention with a bump and take whatever is in your pocket or bag.

·         Don’t be fooled by how someone is dressed or how they act. Pickpockets pose as business people, tourists, or just regular people.

·         If you are victimized, act quickly to file a police report, cancel any credit/debit cards and wipe then cancel your mobile device and account.

By taking these precautions, you will come home with good memories of your trip.

For more details and insights from Mr. Steves read his article here,

The Seattle Times:

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