Tuesday, July 10, 2018

TRAIL CAR PROWLS- Three Snohomish Car Prowlers Caught in Okanogan County

According to the Methow Valley News, three suspected car prowlers were apprehended in Mazama for a series of car prowls at trail heads in the area. The alleged car prowlers were from Everett, Sultan, and Lake Stevens. The car prowlers took cash, credit/debit cards, and computers.

Reports of car prowls at trail heads began in early June. In a cooperative effort between the U.S. Forest Service and the Okanogan County Sheriff’s Office, investigators identified a red Pontiac which eventually lead to an arrest of the three suspects in Mazama. Investigators recovered other people’s property in the car including driver’s licenses, checkbooks, credit/debit cards, a laptop computer and clothing.

When we go into the mountains for a hike, we may not think of the trail as a place for a property crime like a car prowl.  But it can happen at a trail head just as easily as in the mall parking lot or overnight in front of your house. Trail head parking lots often do not have many people around, an ideal situation for car prowlers to take the opportunity to steal whatever is in your car without being seen. Sometimes, potential prowlers will hang out in the parking lot to see who has put away potential valuables. Then when no one is around, they can break a window to gain access to the vehicle and to the trunk.

When you go hiking, keep the following in mind:

·         Do not take anything that you do not need on your hike with you. Keep your valuables at home.

·         If you plan on putting anything in your trunk, put it there at home before you leave. Car prowlers could see what you have put in your trunk at the trail head.

·         Keep a lookout for any “suspicious” people who seem to be just hanging out, not readying themselves to go on a hike, or getting ready to leave the area. Write down a description and a license number of their vehicle if you safely can.

·         Take items such as your driver’s license, credit/debit cards, phone, etc. with you on the trail.

·         Do not leave anything in view in your vehicle when you leave for your hike, not even an empty duffle bag, backpack, or a bag with garbage. Car prowlers will them as an opportunity to steal.

·         Some people go to the extent of emptying their glove compartment and leaving its door open to show that there is nothing there. There have reports in the past, of car prowlers taking car registrations at movie theaters then going to the victim’s house to burglarize it. This scenario may be far fetched for a distant trail head, but car registrations can also be used in identity theft schemes.

·         Lock your car. While some people say that they leave their parked car unlocked, most deputies would not recommend leaving your car unlocked. An unlocked car is easier to steal, so if the suspect needs wheels, he/she could take your unlocked car. Also, car prowls are crimes of opportunity. A car prowler most likely is not going to break into a car if he/she does not think that there is something worthwhile stealing.   

·         If you do see anyone suspicious, or if your car is broken into, report it to the nearest ranger station.

Methow Valley News:

Washington Trails Association:

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