Friday, May 17, 2019

CAR PROWLS- Car Prowlers Are After Your Registration Also

Car prowls seem to be a constant problem throughout Puget Sound. With nicer weather, more car prowls occur with the increased opportunities (more windows left open, more doors left unlocked) for prowlers to steal your stuff. Much of the time the prowlers are looking for anything that they can sell, like laptops, or use in identity theft, like your credit cards.

The King County Sheriff’s Office warns that your registration is also a target. This may seem strange, but your registration can be very useful. If a car prowler sees your car parked at a shopping center, at a movie or event, or at a park and ride, they can get your address and then they can easily find your home to burglarize it while you are gone. And if they take your garage remote, that can make it easier for them to gain entry quietly. Having the information from your car registration can also be used for identity theft schemes.

You may wonder what you should do. We are supposed to have the registration available with the car. That, for most of us means leaving the registration handy in the car in case we are pulled over by a police officer or deputy.

Now you do not have to have the registration in the car. It is now legal to have a copy of your registration in your cell phone and show a deputy the electronic copy of it. That way you can keep your registration in a safe place with your car title. Another solution is to blank out the address on the registration. If you leave the other information available, such as your name and VIN number, a deputy can verify that you own the car.

Also, sometimes car owners will keep the car title with the registration in the car. Never store your car title in the car! This is your proof of ownership and it is used to transfer ownership. If a thief obtains your title, they can forge your name transferring ownership. Keep your title in a safe place at home, such as your safe, or in a safety deposit box at your bank.

KCPQ 13:

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