Thursday, October 24, 2019

EVERETT– National Drug Take Back Day

One of the strategies that law enforcement agencies and health professionals recommend to reduce addiction to opioids and other prescription drugs is to take back unused prescription drugs that you no longer need. To publicize this effort the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) sponsors National Prescription Drug Take Back Day. The next take back day is on Saturday, October 26.

The Everett Police Department is hosting a drug take back event on Saturday between 10am to 2pm at its North Precinct, 3002 Wetmore Ave, Everett, WA.

Can’t make it on Saturday? There are several locations that have return boxes where you can take your unneeded prescriptions. For more information go to:

Everett Police Department:


And on a related note, finding ways to prevent addiction to opioids is a challenge for patients, doctors, law enforcement, and other professionals and citizens. The podcast, “Finding Fixes,” covers this issue for Snohomish County. It has started a new season recently.

The first episode for this season talks about preventing youth addiction. The second episode talks about treating acute pain to prevent opioid dependence.

The podcasts are well worth listening to on your podcast provider or at their website:

Finding Fixes:


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