Monday, November 11, 2019

CAR PROWLS– Protecting Yourself

Recently, the North Snohomish county Property Crimes Unit posted a reminder to remove anything from view when you park your vehicle. The reason police recommend this to prevent car prowls is that car prowlers are opportunists.

Most people who steal look for easy, relatively low risk opportunities to take something. That means looking for targets where the theft is less likely to be observed. It also means the thief looks for items that he/she can take easily and quickly. That’s why there are so many security videos floating around social media of car prowlers testing car door handles for unlocked cars. If they can open the door and take an item, that is better than breaking a window. People will notice broken windows.

And, having something in view, such as a purse, tells a car prowler there is something worthwhile to steal in the vehicle. And they will open the door or break the glass to take it. If they do not see anything that could be worth stealing, they will go on to the next vehicle.

North Snohomish County Property Crimes Unit:

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