Monday, December 23, 2019

INTERNET OF THINGS- Strangers View Families Through Security Cameras

In the past week there have been press reports of strangers breaking into Ring accounts and viewing the insides of homes. In some cases, the hackers talked to a child and to a couple of dogs.

One story has a video of a young girl in her bedroom being talked to by a male voice through the camera in the room. Another story has video of two dogs lounging on a couch and a voice trying to get them to get up off of it.

Ring cameras have been receiving publicity on social media with videos of porch pirates stealing packages from front porches. Some homeowners have purchased Ring and other cameras for use indoors, in children’s bedrooms or front rooms to allow homeowners and parents to monitor what is going on in their homes. Over the past few years, videos have been posted showing burglars inside homes stealing items.

Having cameras inside can help with security to confirm that someone is in your house if the alarm goes off. They also help to monitor small children when they are in their cribs in their rooms. However, all sense of security is lost if someone breaks into your cameras and can observe your possessions and see your family moving around in your house. And talking to your children gets even creepier yet.   

While press reports have used the term hacked or breaking in, Ring, in its blog, points out that the recent incidents were not due to an intrusion or compromise of Ring’s computer systems. Many of the hackers may have obtained the usernames and passwords of Ring accounts outside of the Ring’s servers such as from databases in the dark web.

Ring recommends that its customers do the following:

·       Enable two-factor authentication to access your account.
·       Add shared users to your account instead of simply giving them your login information.
·       Do not use the same password for more than one account.
·       Create strong passwords that have a mix of letters, numbers, and characters. Some cyber security professionals recommend passwords with 12 characters or longer. A password generator can help create strong passwords.

Internet of Things (IoT) such as cameras and thermostats help us have a more secure and convenient life. In the early years of IoT, manufacturers have not designed good security measures into their devices. Both manufacturers and their customers should observe the best and most recent security practices. IoT manufacturers should make security robust and easy for customers and customers should practice good security as they use any IoT device.

The Seattle Times:



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