Tuesday, March 17, 2020

COVID-19- Burglary Concerns

Someone has posted a concern on a local social media site about burglars posing as health officers to gain entry to your house. The story is that they claim that they are at your home to disinfect or sterilize your house from COVID-19.  Supposedly, this has happened in the Chicago area during the COVID-19 situation.

While I have not heard of this ploy being used locally, it does bear some thinking about. With many of us hunkering down at home now, it might seem strange to have a burglar try to steal from your home. Most burglars look for houses that are unoccupied, where they will not encounter the homeowner. After all they don’t want to get caught, nor do they want to get hurt (from the angry homeowner). So, burglaries at home probably should go down. We will see if that happens.

The concern of someone posing as someone else to enter your home is real. Burglars have been known to pose as electric utility workers and other government workers with some excuse that they need to get into your house to inspect something or do some sort of work. Usually it is something that is urgent, and they imply that you must let them in. They may fake an inspection and if there is two people, one will distract you, while the other will go through your house looking for things to take. Or they may go through your house, become familiar with its layout, then come back at another time.

While this ploy may be unlikely, here are some things to do if there is someone unexpectedly at your door claiming to be from the health department (or any other agency):

·         Talk to them. If they spook you, you can talk to them through the door. Not talking to them may be a signal that no one is home and they may break in to take whatever they can.

·         Ask to see their department or company identification.

·         Call their department or company, get the number online, and verify their story. This may take a few minutes to look up on your phone or to go to your computer to look up. If they are not legitimate, they may decide to go someplace else.

For the most part, we probably should concentrate on washing our hands, covering coughs, and keeping social separation while we go through this coronavirus situation. Hopefully, you won’t have to implement the above steps.

1 comment:

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