Sunday, December 6, 2020

CATALYTIC CONVERTERS – Rare Metals Attracting Thieves

Over the past several months, thieves have been stealing catalytic converters throughout the Puget Sound region. And for some reason, catalytic converter thieves are concentrating on Toyota Prius’.

Catalytic converters convert harmful gases from your car’s exhaust system into less harmful gases and are mandated by federal law to be on all new vehicles. They contain rare, precious metals that are part of the conversion process. The metals attract thieves because they can get a little more for them at metal recyclers.

Thieves can get around $100 for a catalytic converter while the replacement cost for a car owner can be up to $3,000 to $4,000.

Thieves target vehicles that are easier to crawl under such as SUV’s and trucks. Prius’ may be targeted because they are easy to lift.

Removing a catalytic converter can take less than two minutes. Catalytic converters may be bolted or welded to the car frame. Thieves need a wrench or a reciprocating saw for the easy removal.

Reports of catalytic converter thefts have been made throughout the Puget Sound region including Edmonds, Everett, Monroe, Bellingham, Auburn, and Woodinville. The thefts can take place overnight, but police have noted many reports of them occurring in broad daylight in parking lots of grocery stores or shopping areas. Sometimes the thieves wear traffic vests to look like a worker or mechanic and if asked what they are doing just say that they are working on the car.

Victims of the theft have returned to their vehicles to a noisy sounding engine when they turn it on.

Some things that you can do to prevent your catalytic converter from being stolen include,


·         Park your vehicle in your garage.

·         Park your vehicle in a well-lit area and close to building entrances.

·         Consider placing an aftermarket cage over your catalytic converter to deter theft.

·         Some experts recommend welding the converter to the car frame.

·         Engrave your vehicle’s VIN to the catalytic converter.

·         Adjust your car alarm to detect vibrations created by sawing.

·         When going through a public parking lot, be on the lookout for suspicious activity such as people working underneath a vehicle or someone who looks like they are acting like a lookout. Edmonds PD says that using a saw is not normal car maintenance behavior. Call 911 if you see suspicious activity.

·         At home, be sure your home surveillance cameras are working.






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