Wednesday, June 14, 2017

SNOHOMISH COUNTY- Gang Activity Increasing

On Monday, the Sheriff, Ty Trenary, two Sheriff’s Office detectives and an FBI agent testified before the Law and Justice committee of the County Council on the gang activity in the county.

Since early 2015, there have been 56 gang-related shootings that have killed two people and injured 14. Many of the people involved in this gang violence have been teenagers with the shootings occurring in and around schools and apartment complexes in South Snohomish County. The danger to the public, in addition to becoming injured or killed in crossfire, includes a rise in robberies and property crimes such as theft, car theft, car prowls, burglary, vandalism in the form of graffiti, etc.

The Sheriff’s Office team emphasized proactive police work in the form of working with other local law enforcement agencies, working with schools to lower the level of truancy, and developing community-based prevention strategies.

One of the most important things that you can do initially to prevent gang related crime is to educate yourself about the gang problem. Please look at the following sources of information.

Here are a couple of links to the testimony before the Council:

Briefing paper:

Video (the testimony starts at about 11 minutes from the beginning) Testimony lasted about 40 minutes:

This article gives a good summary of the problem,

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