Monday, April 8, 2019

CHILD ABUSE- April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month

An estimated one in four children have experienced abuse or neglect at some point in their lives. This means that they have experienced either neglect, physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse or trafficking or some combination of each.

Parenting is a tough job. Most of us do it successfully. But a combination of stress, substance abuse, intergenerational trauma, isolation, immaturity and unrealistic expectations can cause a parent or guardian to abuse a child.

Sometimes parents need help. This can come through their family or friends. In some cases, professional counseling can help parents with juggling the stresses of family life. In extreme cases, the intervention of governmental agencies may be needed to protect the child.

Knowing the signs of potential abuse can help you to help a parent and a child. As the Washington State Department of Children, Youth and Families points out, “The presence of a single sign does not prove child abuse is occurring in a family; however, when these signs appear repeatedly or in combination you should take a closer look at the situation and consider the possibility of child abuse.”

Signs that a child might show of child abuse or neglect might include:

·         Shows sudden changes in behavior or school performance.

·         Has not received help for physical or medical problems brought to the parents’ attention.

·         Has learning problems (or difficulty concentrating) that cannot be attributed to specific physical or psychological causes.

·         Is always watchful, as though preparing for something bad to happen.

·         Lacks adult supervision.

·         Is overly compliant, passive, or withdrawn.

·         Comes to school or other activities early, stays late, and does not want to go home.

If you would like to learn more about child abuse and how to report child abuse check out the following links,

Washington State Department of Children, Youth, and Families:

For help with prevention, intervention or treatment of child abuse check out this web site,


For more information about child abuse and neglect, the following links will be helpful,

Centers for disease Control and Prevention:

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