Tuesday, April 2, 2019

STOLEN VEHICLES- Take Your Keys/Fobs with You!

Ever since cars have had locks and keys, cops have been telling people to take the keys with them. They have implored drivers not to leave the keys in their cars making it easier for car thieves to steal.

And while modern car anti-theft technology has reduced car thefts in the early 2000’s a disturbing trend of cars stolen with the keys/fobs in them has moderated that trend.

The National Insurance Crime Bureau (NCIB) notes an 88% increase in car thefts with the keys/fobs inside between 2013 and 2018. It estimates, that nationwide, an average of 209 vehicles are stolen every day with the keys or fobs left in them.

In Washington State, 5,383 vehicles were stolen with the keys left in them between 2016 and 2018.

And, the NICB notes seasonality to this trend with colder months seeing more thefts. In order, December was first in the number of thefts, January second, November third, October fourth and July fifth. This is no doubt because many car owners warm up their cars in the morning before going to work, not only leaving the keys in the car, but the engine running for any car thief who comes by. And July might be in the top five months due to people cooling their cars in the summer months.

Key fobs bring sophistication and convenience to securing vehicles for drivers. But like the keys of old, if the driver does not lock the car and take the keys, all that technology is wasted.

Developing a habit of locking the door and taking the keys or fobs, will go a long way to securing your car or truck.

National Insurance Crime Bureau:


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