Saturday, August 3, 2019

CAR THEFTS- Expensive Vehicles Top New Vehicles Stolen List

Each year insurance groups publish a list of the most stolen vehicles. The bottom line for several years has been that older cars, mostly Hondas and Toyotas, are the most stolen because the security measures built into their design is not as robust as newer models.

The Highway Loss Data Institute (HLDI) has taken a different approach. It asked the question, of new vehicles, with the latest anti-theft technology, which are most likely to be stolen?

It found that vehicles such as the Dodge Charger and the Chevrolet Silverado pickup truck are the most stolen vehicles in a survey of vehicles that came out during the 2016 through 2018 model years. It also found that electric vehicles are the least stolen new vehicles.

The most stolen vehicles are the most expensive with powerful engines and lots of bells and whistles.

Why electric vehicles, such as Teslas (which are expensive on their own) are not stolen so much, may be that they are usually charged overnight in a closed garage.

But, why new expensive cars with sophisticated security bells and whistles get stolen may be a mystery. Except when you consider a study by the National Insurance Crime Bureau (NCIB) that shows that many stolen cars have their keys or fobs left in them when the driver walks away from the car. In fact, an average of almost 200 cars per day, nationwide, are stolen with the keys/fobs left in them.

Most property crime is crime of opportunity. If a car thief can take your car, he will. Don’t defeat the security system of your vehicle by leaving the key/fob in it. TAKE YOUR KEYS WITH YOU!

For a complete list of the 20 most stolen new cars and a list of the 20 least stolen cars, check out this article from USA Today,

USA Today:

National Insurance Crime Bureau:

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