Wednesday, October 20, 2021

HALLOWEEN– Safety Tips for the Halloween Season

Many parents may be considering letting their children go trick or treating for Halloween this year. The Snohomish Health District has some tips for safe Halloween activities: 

·         Wear a mask if you are at a crowded outdoor gathering (500 or more people).

·         If you are taking your kids trick or treating-

o   Keep your group small and stay outdoors.

o   Try to keep at least six feet apart.

o   Wash your hands before and after you go out.

o   Wear a mask that fully covers your nose and mouth. A Halloween mask is not a substitute.

o   If you are not feeling well, please stay home.

·         If you are at home giving out candy-

o   If you are not feeling well, please do not go outside.

o   Wear a mask, even if you are vaccinated.

o   Greet trick or treaters outside in your driveway or yard.

o   Hand treats out to children. Wear gloves, plastic baggies or use tongs. Stay away from the traditional communal candy bowl. Other ideas to avoid spreading COVID-19 include making candy treat bags, spreading candy on a table in the yard or driveway, or making a candy shoot from your front porch.


Here are some more traditional tips for safe trick or treating:


·         Make sure your costume lets you see and hear perfectly. You need to watch and listen for cars.

·         Wear brightly colored clothing, use glow sticks and carry a flashlight so drivers can see you.

·         Cross streets safely. Cross at a corner, using traffic signals and crosswalks. Try to make eye contact with drivers before crossing in front of them. Look left, right and left again when crossing, and keep looking as you cross. Walk, don’t run, across the street.

·         Walk on well-lit sidewalks or paths. If there are no sidewalks, walk facing traffic as far to the left as possible. Children should walk in familiar areas with minimal street crossings.

·         Be a safe pedestrian around cars. Watch for cars that are turning or backing up. Never dart out into the street or cross between parked cars.

·         Have an adult check all treats before eating them. If in doubt, throw it out.


If you are driving on Halloween during the evening-


·         Be especially alert. Remember that popular trick-or-treating hours occur during the typical rush-hour period, between 5:30-9:30 pm.

·         Drive slowly. Slow down and anticipate heavier than usual pedestrian traffic.

·         Lights on. Be sure to drive with your full headlights on so you can spot children from greater distances.

·         Avoid using handheld electronic devices.


And, if you are in the Lynnwood area, consider attending the Halloween Drive-thru Hullabaloo hosted by the City of Lynnwood.




City of Lynnwood:



Snohomish Health District:


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:






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