Tuesday, October 26, 2021

UTILITY SCAMS – Puget Sound Energy Issues a Warning

Puget Sound energy (PSE) has issued a warning about a series of scams that it has observed recently. As PSE points out on its web page, the scams include,

·         Scammers calling customers stating they have an overpayment, but need bank information to issue a refund. PSE will not ask for your bank information. Any refund will be credited to your account.

·         Scammers going door-to-door offering to restore power for a fee, or asking if your power is out. This is NOT something PSE workers would do.

·         Phone calls using “spoofing technology” that displays Puget Sound Energy’s name and phone number when they call to threaten disconnection of service—usually within 30 minutes—if immediate payment is not made with a prepaid debit or money card.

·         A caller, falsely claiming to be from Puget Sound Energy, leaves a message to call back a number, usually an unfamiliar 1-800 or area code number.


PSE reminds everyone that it will never require customers with delinquent accounts to use prepaid debit cards to pay their debt and avoid disconnection. PSE will send multiple notifications about the delinquent account by mail and phone for several weeks before disconnecting service.

It also encourages its customers to report scammers impersonating PSE personnel to its Customer Service number- (888) 225-5773. And to report utility scams to,


The Washington State Attorney General’s Office


Federal Trade Commission


Snohomish County PUD is also concerned about utility scams. While it does not any recent scam alerts, the following pop up shows up on your screen when you open their web site:



Utility scams remain a favorite tactic by scammers to get your money and your personal information. Be skeptical of anyone who tries to pressure you into giving them money with a prepaid gift card, wire transfer, or crypto currency. As suggested, call your utility to report the scam. Look up its number on the utility’s web site or utility bill. Do not use any phone numbers to you by the scammer.


Puget Sound Energy:


Snohomish County PUD #1:




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