Tuesday, June 23, 2020

BELLEVUE- Police Going After Looters

In an afternoon press conference today, Chief Steve Mylett made it clear that his police department is going after the looters who, on May 31, stole thousands of dollars’ worth of merchandise while peaceful protestors mourned and protested the death of George Floyd down the street. And he made it clear that his department will be conducting a long-term investigation to charge as many looters as possible.

To date, 23 people have been arrested for the looting. Police have identified 100 others who are being investigated. And the chief estimated that there could have been 1,000 to 2,000 people in Bellevue Square that night.

The chief noted the recent arrest of a 26-year-old Renton man for burglary in relation to that night, plus drug charges (meth, heroin, cocaine, drug scales, and other paraphernalia consistent with distributing drugs), possession of dangerous weapons and possession of stolen property in a joint operation with the Renton Police Department. Laid out on two tables was merchandise found at the time of arrest amounting to $19,000 and weapons, including an AK-47 with a silencer that was in a baby’s crib, a Glock handgun, and ammo.   

The police department’s success so far is due to 10,000 pieces of video and other evidence that the department has been able collect and has been turned over to it.

When asked where the looters came from, Chief Mylett said that they were mostly from the greater Seattle area and the region. One person was from Yakima.

The chief again made it clear that the looters were taking advantage of the protest, describing their conduct as cloaking themselves as peaceful protestors. This was a well-organized plan, possibly by people with gang affiliations.

The Bellevue police intelligence unit notice “chatter” on social media after Seattle imposed a curfew with people saying in essence that Bellevue does not have a curfew.

The chief revealed the police department’s priorities to criticism that they did not catch the looters in the act. Its priorities were to protect life, not have anyone seriously injured and to protect buildings from arson.

While the looters may think that they got away with something, this police chief and his department will do the grinding work to bring them to justice.



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